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3 Benefits of Custom-Built Auto Transmissions

January 3, 2024

Vehicle transmission performs the important task of carrying engine power to the wheels to facilitate safe and efficient movement. If your vehicle's transmission is on the verge of breaking down, you need to start making arrangements for a replacement. Potential replacements include OEM, or Original Equipment Manufactured, replacement transmission, and customized auto transmissions. Here are three reasons to choose a custom-built transmission.

1. Ease of Use

According to House Grail, only 13% of cars sold in the U.S. today use manual transmission. Why are vehicles that rely on manual transmission significantly less common today? That change has a lot to do with the user-friendly nature of automatic transmission.

Getting your car going is easier if it's powered by auto transmission. You also have one less thing to worry about because your car will change gears by itself. If you've been using automatic transmission for a while, moving back to manual can also be a challenge. Stick to automatic transmissions and don't make driving any harder than it needs to be.

2. Greater Value

It should probably come as no surprise but OEM transmissions can be quite expensive. Many motorists find paying that price worth it because of the longevity and performance provided by those OEM replacements. Still, not everyone can afford that kind of significant investment. You should consider getting custom-built auto transmissions if you're seeking a cost-effective replacement.

Because the custom-built transmission is designed specifically for your vehicle, you can expect it to last for a long time. You won't have to purchase another replacement shortly. The value proposition that replacement presents makes the initial investment more than worth it.

3. Optimal Vehicle Performance

Finally, you should be interested in custom transmissions because of the way they affect performance. The mechanics in charge of building that custom transmission are doing so specifically for your vehicle. Since they are already familiar with your vehicle, they understand how to design and build a transmission that suits it perfectly. Take full advantage of their expertise to take your vehicle's performance to the next level.

When the time comes for you to get a new transmission, don't hesitate to pursue one that's custom-built for your vehicle. The benefits of custom transmission can translate to several years of high-end performance. Contact us at Transmission & Car Care Center and let us provide the ideal replacement!

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