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What's the Difference Between Manual and Automatic Transmissions?

August 25, 2022

While there are many factors that contribute to a car's "feel," the type of transmission is a major factor. The transmission is what allows a car to change gears. Let's take a look at the difference between a manual transmission and an auto transmission.

Manual Transmission

As the name implies, manual transmission vehicles require manual human input to change from one gear to another. Different gears are best suited for different circumstances. In a manual transmission, the driver needs to use a clutch when changing gears. The clutch system engages the transmission, which allows for the safe transition from gear to gear. Manual transmissions are the oldest transmission type and have lasted for decades. According to House Grail, about 13% of cars sold in the U.S. today still have manual transmissions.

Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmission vehicles, on the other hand, rely on computers to automate the process. In auto transmission vehicles, the car decides which gear is right for which condition and switches gears on its own. For most people, this is certainly an upgrade over manual transmissions because of how convenient it is. However, this isn't the whole story.

Gear Variables

In a manual transmission, there's a limited number of gears that one can engage. Depending on the manufacturer, a vehicle may have five or six gears. Bigger trucks often have more gears. In an auto transmission car, the car uses automatic transmission fluid to exert pressure and change gears. These vehicles also have more gear ratios, which means the car's able to provide just the right amount of acceleration.

Driving Experience

Even with all the benefits of an auto transmission car, some people still prefer manuals. With manual transmission, the driver is highly engaged and may feel the thrill and flow of changing the gears. When done properly, it makes for a much smoother driving experience. In fact, most racing cars have manual transmissions because they give the driver more control and precision. On the other hand, auto transmission vehicles only provide limited control. Even so, many people are willing to make this trade-off for convenience's sake.

While there are still some manual transmission cars left, very few modern cars are manufactured with the manual system. Modern cars have mostly shifted to auto transmission systems to match driver preferences. If you need your transmission repaired or rebuilt, call Transmission & Car Care Center today. We offer expert service that you can trust.

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