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Why Have Automatic Transmissions Become More Popular Than Manual Transmissions?

November 3, 2022

While it's still possible to find both automatic and manual transmissions on the market, the popularity of automatic automobiles is clear. In fact, many people today don't even know how to drive manual transmission cars. There are a few possible reasons why manual transmission cars are no longer as popular. Read on to learn more about this development in transmission production.

Auomatic Cars Offer Comfortable Driving

Even people who like controlling as many aspects of their driving experience as possible can admit that automatic cars can be much easier to drive. As a result, they are also more relaxing. This is especially true if you live in an over-populated area with lots of traffic jams. It can be tiresome to keep manually shifting gears over short distances. The entire process can feel like a burden, which is why driving automatic can be preferable in this type of environment.

Automatic Cars Offer Great Performance

In the past, it seemed as if having an automatic car would mean sacrificing performance. However, that's not the case anymore. Of course, not every automatic car will perform equally. All you need to do if you want a sporty automatic transmission is a bit of research. With recent advances in automotive technology, there are more options for high-performance vehicles on the market than ever before.

Automatic Cars Are Less Expensive to Produce

Every business will take the opportunity to cut costs if available. With that said, developing a car that has both versions, a manual and automatic transmission, can be quite expensive. This means that two versions of the car have to be taken for crash and emission tests separately. With the world moving more toward automatic transmissions, lots of companies are choosing to stick with what's trendy. According to Cars.com, just 1.3% of vehicles sold today are stick shifts. You'll find that certain companies, like Audi, have stopped offering manual transmission versions for the United States market altogether.

Regardless of which type of transmission you choose, your vehicle will need regular maintenance to ensure it's operating smoothly. To have your car serviced by an experienced team of technicians, reach out to us at Transmission & Car Care Center today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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