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Why Automatic Transmissions Are Harder to Repair

May 4, 2023

Thanks to the development of the mechanism known as automatic transmission, drivers no longer have to worry about shifting gears themselves. Automatic transmission handles an important task and allows you to concentrate on other aspects of driving. At some point, your vehicle may present certain symptoms indicating that it needs transmission repair. If you've never had that kind of work done on your vehicle previously, then you may be surprised by everything it entails.

The Components of Automatic Transmission

The automatic variant of transmission has been a feature included in many vehicles for a very long time. According to the Universal Technical Institute, the first automatic transmission ever used in a production car was the Hydra-Matic and it helped power the 1940 model of the Oldsmobile. Earl Avery Thompson led the development of the Hydra-Matic.

The types of automatic transmissions we see in vehicles today are significantly more complicated than what Thompson came up with. Components you'll commonly find in modern iterations of automatic transmissions include brake bands, planetary gears, and torque converters. Numerous sensors are also used in modern vehicles so the automatic transmission can work more effectively.

When comparing manual to automatic transmission, you'll find that the latter is significantly more complex structurally. There are more moving parts to consider, so they may present more issues. The larger number of components contributes to why automatic transmission repair is typically more complicated.

How the Evolution of Automatic Transmission Has Led to More Complicated Repairs

The sheer number of components involved in powering an automatic transmission is not the only reason why repairing that mechanism is more complicated. Automatic transmission repair is also more challenging due to the new elements that have been added to the mix. We're talking specifically about the sensors that modern cars now rely on all the time.

To determine if the issue with your automatic transmission is related to one of those sensors, a mechanic will first have to run diagnostics. They will need to connect with the computer controlling your vehicle to see what it says. Working with a vehicle's computer is not especially difficult, but it adds another layer to automatic transmission repair that can complicate matters.

You can tell that something's wrong with your transmission if certain warning lights are illuminated. Transmission issues may also make your driving experience significantly rougher. Take your vehicle to the mechanic if you notice those symptoms because it likely needs a repair.

Automatic transmission makes driving easier and more accessible to more people. If your automatic transmission ever presents any issues, then remember to entrust its repair to an experienced mechanic from Transmission & Car Care Center. Give us a call today!

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